
Places Leisure Camberley

Generating our own renewable electricity

Surrey Heath Borough Council is taking another significant step towards achieving its commitment to becoming net zero by introducing photovoltaic (PV) solar panels at Places Leisure Camberley, the borough’s flagship Leisure Centre.

8 January 2024

Council grants to support vital local services

In a strategic move to support vital community initiatives, Surrey Heath Borough Council has recommended approval of the allocation of revenue grants for 2024-25.

This funding will enable key local organisations to deliver essential services to those in greatest need.

8 January 2024
An image of the Camberley Elephant sculpture.

Celebrating our Borough's heritage

Surrey Heath Borough Council is seeking agreement to consult on a Draft List of Local
Heritage Assets (known as a Local List).

Should this be approved, public consultation on the Local List will take place for a period of
six weeks from 29 January until 4 March 2024.

8 January 2024
Food hamper donations

Local gym brightens Christmas for vulnerable families.

Some of Surrey Heath’s most vulnerable families will have their Christmas brightened by a hamper donation from a local gym.  Maximus Gym in Frimley has donated 50 hampers for distribution through Surrey Heath Borough Council’s Family Support team.  

20 December 2023
Illustration of groups of people holding hands in circles.

Supporting community and economic projects in Surrey Heath

Surrey Heath Borough Council has £1millon secured from the national UK Shared Prosperity Fund to be used to improve outcomes for our communities and businesses through targeted funded projects and initiatives.  At the Executive meeting held on 6 December the next phase of funded projects was agreed.  These projects will provide extensive improvements within our borough.  Projects have been identified through recent council consultation and engagement with the Surrey Heath Partnership.  

12 December 2023