Surrey Heath Borough Council has moved one step closer in bringing forward a new Local Plan, through the submission of the Plan for Public Examination by the Planning Inspectorate.
The Plan has been carefully formed through the use of extensive evidence, which has been supported with feedback through the various consultation and publication events held, where comments have been received and considered to create the current Local Plan.
This significant milestone brings the council closer to implementing its vision for the future of Surrey Heath.
The Local Plan, which outlines the long-term strategy for development, sustainability and growth in Surrey Heath, has now reached a critical stage. This plan is essential for guiding the future of the area, ensuring that development aligns with the council’s strategy for addressing the needs of the community, and environmental goals.
Cllr Alan Ashbery, Surrey Heath Portfolio Holder for Homes, Planning, and Enforcement said: “The Local Plan is crucial for guiding decisions on housing, infrastructure, green spaces and local amenities for years to come.
“Input from residents, local businesses and community stakeholders has been invaluable in shaping a balanced plan that meets our community's needs while aligning with national and regional priorities.”
The Local Plan, along with the representations received at the publication stage and the evidence supporting it, has now been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination in public by a Planning Inspector - the date of this Public Examination will be confirmed once known.
Cllr Shaun Macdonald, Leader of Surrey Heath Borough Council, added: “We have reached a pivotal stage, and we are confident in the quality of our submission and fully prepared to support the examination process in every way possible.
“We are grateful for the valuable feedback we’ve received and look forward to advancing the Local Plan with the Planning Inspectorate.”
More information is available on the council’s Local Plan webpage and updates on the examination process will be linked to this webpage.