
Local Plan update

Surrey Heath Borough Council created a draft Local Plan for the Borough outlining where housing development could take place, along with employment, commercial, recreation and green spaces.  We consulted with residents and businesses on our draft local plan in 2022 which received broad support.  We are now working on the final version that will be published later in the year. The precise timetable is due to be agreed by the Council’s Executive in March. 

10 February 2023
Apply for free voter ID by 25 April!

Surrey Heath residents need photo ID to vote at elections in May

For the first time, residents in Surrey Heath and across the UK will need to show photographic ID to vote at their local polling station for this year’s local elections on 4 May. Local residents are being urged to make sure they are ready to vote in May by checking they have an accepted form of photo ID.

7 February 2023