Apply to change a premises licence

Information on how to change a premises licence.

Apply to vary the designated premises supervisor

Every premises licence that allows the supply of alcohol is required to specify an individual as the designated premises supervisor (DPS). 

Some community premises can also remove the need for a DPS.

Apply to change the designated premises supervisor (DPS)

If your designated premises supervisor (DPS) no longer works at the premises, the premises licence holder will need to apply for a licence variation to specify someone new.

The DPS must hold a personal licence, and will usually be the person in day-to-day control of the premises who authorises other members of staff to sell alcohol.

Alcohol cannot be sold from the premises if there is no DPS listed on the licence.

Who can use this service?

  • The current premises licence holder must apply for the variation.
  • The nominated DPS must complete the consent form.

What you need to know

You will need to download, complete and sign a DPS consent form and have it ready to upload when you apply to change your designated premises supervisor (DPS).

Complete a DPS consent form

Cost for this service



To apply, please complete the below online application form.

Application to vary a premises licence to specify an individual as designated premises supervisor

Apply to remove the need for a DPS

Some community premises can apply to remove the need for a DPS on their licence. 

The premises must satisfy several conditions in order to remove the requirement, and an application must be granted before the change can be made. For further details, or to discuss if a premises is likely to be eligible to remove the requirement, contact the Licensing team: 

Cost for this service
