Apply to change a premises licence

Information on how to change a premises licence.

Apply to change a premises licence

There are four types of changes you can apply for.

Full variation 

Typically, variation applications are made for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Adding additional licensable activities to the scope of the licence
  • Changing permitted times for existing activities or opening hours
  • Adding new conditions, or amending or removing conditions on the current licence
  • Changing the authorised layout of the premises before structural alterations

Variations may not be used to extend a time-limited licence, or to make a major change in the nature of a licensed premises. In these situations, you should make a new grant application.

Minor variation 

You can use a minor variation to:

  • Remove conditions which are out of date or invalid, and to revise conditions which are unclear (as long as the intention and effect remains the same)
  • Add a new condition volunteered by the applicant, or mutually agreed between the applicant and a responsible authority, such as the police or the environmental health authority (depending on the impact on the licensing objectives)
  • Make a change to opening hours or licensing hours
  • Make a change to licensable activities
  • Make a change to premises or club layout

Vary the designated premises supervisor (DPS)

If your designated premises supervisor (DPS) no longer works at the premises, the premises licence holder will need to apply for a licence variation to specify someone new.

The designated premises supervisor must hold a personal licence, and will usually be the person in day-to-day control of the premises who authorises other members of staff to sell alcohol.

Alcohol cannot be sold from the premises if there is no designated premises supervisor listed on the licence.

Change the name or address of the premises licence holder

Tell us if you, as the premises licence holder, have changed your name or address.