Apply to change a premises licence

Information on how to change a premises licence.

Apply for a minor premises licence variation

You can use a minor premises variation to:

  • Remove conditions which are out of date or invalid, and to revise conditions which are unclear (as long as the intention and effect remains the same)
  • Add a new condition volunteered by the applicant, or mutually agreed between the applicant and a responsible authority, such as the police or the environmental health authority (depending on the impact on the licensing objectives)
  • Make a change to opening hours or licensing hours
  • Make a change to licensable activities
  • Make a change to premises or club layout

Please ensure you give full details of all the proposed changes. If you do not give enough information, we may refuse your application. Details should include a description of the proposed variations in terms as precise as possible.

Minor variations should not have any negative impact on our four licensing objectives:

  • Preventing crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • Preventing public nuisance
  • Protecting children from harm

You cannot use a minor variation to:

  • Extend the period of your licence or certificate
  • Transfer the licence or certificate from one premises to another
  • Specify, in a premises licence, an individual as the premises supervisor 
  • Add the sale by retail of alcohol as an activity authorised by a licence or certificate
  • Authorise the sale by retail or supply alcohol at any time between 11:00pm and 7:00am
  • Authorise an increase in the amount of time on any day during which alcohol may be sold by retail or supplied
  • Include the alternative licence condition referred in Section 41D(3) in a premises licence

You do not need to apply for a minor variation if you are changing the name and address of your premises.

Publicise your application

As part of the application process, you must publicise your application by displaying a statutory notice at or near the premises, for at least 10 working days.

There is no requirement to place a public notice within a local newspaper for minor variations.  However, if your application is refused and you subsequently apply for a full variation, a newspaper notice will form part of the requirements for that application.

Download a statutory notice template:

This must be printed and displayed on white paper.




Apply to vary a premises licence (minor variation) (external link)


If you complete your application online, you will be directed to the online payment portal on the GOV.UK website (external link) choose ‘Licensing Act 2003 Misc Fees’.