Closed consultations

Information on consultations that have closed within the past 12 months.

Local Heritage List consultation



Opening and closing dates

29 January 2024 until 4pm on 4 March 2024. 

Consultation information

The Council has been working in partnership with Surrey County Council to develop the draft Local Heritage List. This includes buildings, structures, features, and spaces that are locally significant and add to the cultural heritage and sense of place of the Borough.   

An initial consultation was undertaken in Autumn 2021 seeking nominations for inclusion on the updated list.  

To qualify for inclusion on the local list, nominations were required to meet at least two of the following criteria: rarity, group value, architectural or artistic value, archaeological value, historic association, landmark status, or social and cultural value.   

Following assessment, the resultant draft Local List contains 244 heritage assets, of which 184 are existing assets that have been reviewed, and 60 are new entries.   


Once this list has been adopted, it will be used to guide the future use and development of local heritage assets, by enabling the significance of assets identified on the list to be fully understood and to be taken account of in the planning process, particularly in the assessment of planning applications. 

Following the close of the consultation, all comments received will be reviewed and considered by the council with any amendments being made before the adoption of the Local List. Once adopted, the list will be used to inform the planning process and guide future planning decisions around the use and development of local heritage assets. 

Once adopted, the Local List is intended to be a living document, the Council will review the Local List every five years from adoption to ensure it remains up to date and listed heritage assets continue to meet all applicable criteria.