New Local Plan

Information about the new Local Plan 2019-2038, including the consultation process and next steps.

Surrey Heath Borough Council is preparing a new Local Plan. Once adopted, the Surrey Heath Local Plan would play an important role in shaping Surrey Heath's future - how our town and villages develop, protecting and enhancing our natural environment, developing our local economy, improving leisure and visitor facilities, and supporting more sustainable forms of travel.

What is a local plan?

The Surrey Heath Local Plan will set out a vision for how Surrey Heath will develop as a place up to 2038. It looks at our future needs for development and provides guidance as to where it will go and what it will look like. Our Borough Councillors and our planning officers will use it to help them decide whether to approve or refuse planning applications in our Borough.

Consultation: How to have your say

Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan: Preferred Options (2019-2038)

The Council consulted on a Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan: Preferred Options version of the local plan for an eight-week period, from 12:00 noon on Monday 14 March to Monday 9 May 2022. The consultation has now closed. However, you can find out more information about the consultation and the questions asked on our consultation portal. Consultation documents can also be viewed from the links below.

Draft Surrey Heath Local Plan Additional Site Allocations for Gypsy and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople (2019-2038) Regulation 18:

The Council consulted on additional site allocation options for Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation. The consultation ran from Monday 8th August 12:00 noon to Monday 19th September 2022. The consultation has now closed. You can find out more information about the consultation on our consultation portal.

Consultation Events

Our planning team hosted a series of consultation activities during both consultation periods to engage residents as widely as possible. 

Although the in-person events have passed, the planning team have uploaded a number of video presentations to the SHBC YouTube channel(external link), which set out important information relating to both of the consultations.

Next Steps

Following the close of the consultation, we are analysing the comments that have been submitted. The comments will help to inform the preparation the next version of the plan for consultation, which will be the version of the Local Plan that the council intends to submit to the government for inspection. 

Once we have reviewed the consultation responses, we will publish a Consultation Statement that provides a summary of the main issues that have been raised alongside our response to these.

For further detail regarding the next steps, please refer to the Local Development Scheme below. 

Timetable for the Plan-Making Process

The preparation of a Local Plan is a long process that goes through a number of key stages. Our Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the anticipated timetable for the preparation of the local plan through to its adoption.

Surrey Heath Borough Council is reviewing the timetable for the remaining stages of the Local Plan process, known as the Local Development Scheme. Read more in our Local Plan timetable news release 

More Information

View a summary of the previous Issues and Options consultation (2018) and our response to the comments made: