Current Local Plan

Information about the Local Plan.

Camberley Town Centre Area Action Plan

What is the Camberley Town Centre Area Action Plan (AAP)?

The Camberley Town Centre AAP forms part of the Local Plan for Surrey Heath and sets out policies relating to the future development of Camberley Town Centre.

The Area Action Plan looks at:

  • A vision of how Camberley Town Centre should evolve.
  • The scale and location of new shopping facilities.
  • Managing the town centre to enable the full range of shopping facilities to be provided.
  • The range of leisure, cultural and community facilities in the town centre.
  • The level and location of employment uses such as offices in the town centre.
  • The level and location of housing in the town centre.
  • Improving transportation to and around the town centre.
  • Enhancing and protecting the environmental design quality of the town centre.

The Camberley Town Centre AAP was adopted by Full Council on the 16th July 2014.The adopted Camberley Town Centre AAP and accompanying documents can be viewed below: