Changes to Borough grass cutting from 1 April 2023

Surrey Heath Borough Council (SHBC) has been cutting Surrey County Council owned verges and grass for the past few years as part of an agency agreement. Surrey County Council has decided to take back responsibility for the maintenance of these areas in all Boroughs and Districts from 1 April 2023.  

Surrey County Council will be carrying out up to four grass cuts a year in urban areas and up to two cuts a year in more rural areas. As SHBC previously carried out 12 cuts per year for many Surrey County Council owned verges across the Borough it is likely that residents will notice a difference. Timings and further information for all Surrey County Council owned verges will be available on their website from April onwards.  

We have been working closely with Surrey County Council to help make this transition as smooth as possible. SHBC will continue to maintain the grassed areas in the parks and green spaces that we manage.   

Cllr Rebecca Jennings Evans, SHBC Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Community said:

“During the past few years SHBC has worked hard to properly maintain grass verges including establishing wildflower verges in key locations to create havens for wildlife. We're pleased that Surrey County Council is hoping to build on the start we've made.   

It is important that our residents are aware of the change to the service as the reduction in cuts may be of concern.  All the grass cutting information on our website has been updated so that residents can easily find out who manages which verges in the Borough and can contact the relevant authority with any questions or concerns.”   

Useful links and contacts  

You will be able to check who is responsible for cutting grass in different parts of the Borough by checking the map which can be accessed via our grass cutting webpage.

You will be able to report any issues with the relevant organisation by contacting Surrey County Council website (external link) or via the Surrey Heath Borough Council grass cutting webpage.

If you have any queries about grass cutting or grounds maintenance on SHBC land, please email Glendale directly on (link sends email). You can also visit Glendale's website (external link) for more information