Event plan template and guidance notes
If you are planning an event then a vital part of the organisation is preparing an event plan which will outline all the elements of your event. The event plan should cover areas such as:
- who is responsible for what. This can comprise simply of a list of all those coordinating aspects of the event – more details can be found in the Event Management Plan template.
- details of the event. A programming schedule can be the most useful for this.
- risk assessment
- site safety and fire risk assessment
- licensing
- road closures
- transport management
- insurance
- crowd management/stewards and marshalls
- communications plan
- bouncy castles and other inflatables
- fun fairs
- fireworks
- welfare plan such as toilet facilities
- medical plan
- emergency plan
More information about most of these areas can be found both in this guide and in the explanatory notes.
Remember that time and detailed planning are the key to organising a safe and successful public event.
We can provide event plan templates and further guidance to aid you in completing the event plan and associated documentation. If you would like this, please email email events.advice@surreyheath.gov.uk (link sends email).