Report antisocial behaviour
Before you report antisocial behaviour
To help us assess our response we will need to know:
- What is being done
- Who is doing it
- When it happened (date and time)
- If this the first instance
- If not, how often it has happened
- If anyone else is affected or has witnessed it?
How to report antisocial behaviour
We want you to report any antisocial behaviour. It is only by people taking the trouble to report incidents that a true picture of what is happening in the borough can be established.
Report it to us
You can report antisocial behaviour to us, by completing the below form.
If you are a housing association tenant then you should report the issue to your housing association. Housing associations have the responsibility to manage the behaviour of their tenants in line with their tenancy agreement.
Where possible we will protect your information sources. However, for certain legal actions, informants do need to be named and need to give statements.
If an individual or a location becomes the subject of multiple reports, the agencies (such as the Council, Surrey Police and Surrey County Council) will work together to try and address the problem.
Report it to the police
If the antisocial behaviour is happening now, then consider reporting to Surrey Police. You can do this by calling 101 or by visiting their report a crime webpage (external link).