Reporting antisocial behaviour

Find out what behaviour may be considered antisocial behaviour (ASB) and how to report it.

Help and support

There are a number of groups who can offer support, either in initial stages, or as the case progresses. 

Healthy Surrey

Visit the antisocial behaviour webpage (external link) on the Healthy Surrey website for more information about the support they can provide.

ASB help

ASB Help is a registered charity in England and Wales set up to provide advice and support to victims of anti-social behaviour.

Visit the ASB Help website (external link)

Mediation service 

If you cannot resolve the dispute by speaking to your neighbour, you can get help from a mediation service.

More information about using a mediation service can be found on the GOV.UK website (external link).

Speak with a Community Safety Officer

If you would like to discuss your complaint with one of our Community Safety Officers, please email us briefly outlining your concerns. 

Email (link sends email) and we will respond to your email within five working days.