How the mayor is elected

Details on how the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Surrey Heath is elected.

The Mayor 

In Surrey Heath any candidate for Mayor must be a member of the Council. The selection take place on an annual basis at the Annual Meeting of the Council held in May.   

The election, which must be the first item of business, is decided by a majority of the members present, and voting on the matter at the meeting. If present at the Annual Meeting, the outgoing Mayor presides. He or she may vote in the election and, if there is an equality of votes, may exercise a second or casting vote. Immediately after the result of the election the successful candidate is ceremonially robed and invested with the chain of office, followed by the public declaration of acceptance of office as required by Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.   

Once elected, the Mayor continues in office until his or her successor is elected, unless the Mayor dies, resigns, ceases to qualify as a member or fails for six consecutive months to attend meetings of the Council unless prior approval has been given.   

During an election year - at the end of the four-year term of office of Councillors - the Mayor remains in office until the Annual Meeting. He or she chairs the election of the new Mayor at the Annual Meeting, even if he or she is no longer a Councillor, and has the casting vote in the case of a tie for the election of the new Mayor. 

The Deputy Mayor

As in the position of Mayor, the Deputy Mayor has to be a member of the Council and is appointed at the Annual Meeting. Similarly, the Deputy Mayor may preside over meetings of Council in the absence of the Mayor. Subject to Standing Orders, he or she is entitled to discharge all the functions of the Mayor in his or her absence. Again, in the Mayor's absence, he or she is entitled to the Mayor's right of precedence within the Borough, but does not have the right to wear the Mayor's robes and chain or badge. The Deputy Mayor, unless he or she resigns or becomes disqualified, holds office until immediately after the election of the Mayor at the next Annual Meeting of the Council.