Other enquiries

How to submit a general enquiry and related charges.

If you have a general enquiry then please complete the general enquiries form

The general enquiry advice and  charges are listed below.

The general enquiries form does not need to be completed and there is no charge if you wish to discuss or comment on a live planning application. If you wish to make a representation on a planning application then please visit view, comment or object webpage.

There is also no charge if you require a copy of a Tree Preservation Order. Please email trees@surreyheath.gov.uk (link sends email). However, if you require a detailed check of all tree constraints on a site then please use this paid service

This service excludes advice for a proposal under permitted development rights or a dropped kerb enquiry. You will need to submit a lawful development certificate instead. 


  • Permitted development rights history check as to whether they remain intact: £75
  • Use class planning history check: £75
  • Planning land use designations constraints check: £75
  • Tree protection check (TPO, conservation area, restrictive conditions): £75 
  • Archive document check: £150 (or plus £75 per hour dependent on the nature of the request) 
  • Any other general enquiry: £75 (or plus £75 per hour dependent on the nature of the request)

 Terms and conditions

  • On receipt of payment we will respond within 7 days, unless otherwise stated. In the event that the enquiry takes longer to respond to we will contact you to explain the reasoning. 
  • For significant delays no refunds will be given automatically, and each request will be considered on its own merits. Any request must be writing to development control.
  • Please note that for archive checks we cannot always guarantee the legibility quality of the records given that we are reliant upon microfiche and scanned copies.
  • This service only provides copies of information by return email. If you require paper copies then this will carry further charges. Please email development control for these charges.   
  • In the event you do not want to use this chargeable service then in the alternative you can self-serve by undertaking your own searches on our publisher, or by visiting the offices.  
Contact Development Control