Planning application search
Please note the planning and building control application search system will be unavailable on 28 January 2025 whilst essential works take place. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Information and guidance on amending a planning application.
Surrey Heath is committed to determining planning applications within the statutory periods and without the use of time extensions. Speedier decisions are in the public interest. For this reason amendments to a live planning application are discouraged wherever possible as this slows down the decision making process. However, at the discretion of the case officer, it is sometimes necessary to accept amendments to an application. The charge under this service covers the additional resource that accepting amendments entails. This includes the department and officer’s time and the additional consultations usually required.
To use this service please first check whether your submission is eligible against the criteria below. If it is you will then need to discuss any amendments you want to make with your case officer. You can do this by email or by phone during our published contact times. If your case officer accepts your request, they will confirm by email and advise on how to pay. On receipt of payment your planning application will be determined on the basis of the amendments.
All charges are exempt from VAT.
If you wish to make substantial changes to your approved application then a new planning application will be required. However, if you propose less substantial changes, then dependent on the nature of the change, please either submit an application for a non-material amendment (s96A application) or an application to amend the conditions, including minor amendments (s73 application). If you are unclear on what application to submit then please discuss this with the planning case officer.
Please be advised that there is no statutory definition of ‘non-material’. This is because it will be dependent on the context of the overall scheme - an amendment that is non-material in one context may be material in another. Generally, however, the following scenarios might constitute as a non-material amendment:
A non-material amendment application does not constitute a new permission whereas a minor material amendment application does. The description of development cannot be changed under a minor material amendment application.
Further guidance of each option is provided on the flexible options for planning permission page of the GOV.UK website (external link).