The Examination of the Surrey Heath Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule was held Wednesday 19th February 2014 at 9.30am at Surrey Heath House, Knoll Road, Camberley GU15 3HD.
The Examiner was Mr Philip Staddon BSc, DIPTP, MBA, MRTPI of the Planning Inspectorate. The Council is now awaiting the Inspector's Report. This is expected mid to end of March 2014.
The Examiner set out the examination programme which included the agenda for the day and the main issues and questions considered. The examination programme is available to view below:
Programme Officer
The Inspector will be assisted by an independent Programme Officer who will be responsible for managing the day-to-day arrangements of the examination process before and during the period of the examination. All contact with the Planning Inspector will be through the Programme Officer.
The Council has appointed Lynette Duncan as the Programme Officer. Anyone needing advice or information about the examination should contact the Programme Officer at Lynetteljdassoc@aol.com(link sends e-mail)
Submission Documents
The Borough Council's Submission Documents, including the Draft Charging Schedule and Representations made at the Draft Charging Schedule stage are listed in the library below. Copies of the documents contained within can be inspected at the Council's Offices, Knoll Road, Camberley.
Post Submission Documents
The following documents were submitted after submission of the draft Charging Schedule:
The documents are also available to view at the Council Offices.