Local community projects recommended for funding boost 

Corkboard with the letters spelling 'Community' in different colours and fonts arranged with coloured pins holding them in place

A local village hall and scout group could be set to receive a funding boost from the council’s Local Community Improvement Fund (LCIF). 

In the funding bids to be considered at the council’s Executive meeting on 18 March, Frimley Green Village Hall is recommended to be awarded £9,390 for the repair and upgrade of the kitchen. 

The Executive is also being advised to award Camberley 478 Scout Group £31,550 for a replacement roof and removal of asbestos at the Camberley Scout Hut at 270 London Road. 

Frimley Green Village Hall provides an important community facility, used by many local residents and groups, businesses and health organisations. A wide range of health, wellbeing, diversity and inclusion activities are currently accessed by around 250 members of the community.  

The kitchen facility at the hall needs to be repaired and modernised so that the venue can continue to support the increasingly diverse and growing needs of the community. 

The Camberley Scout Group bid would fund the removal of asbestos and mould, as well as the replacement of the roof at the Scout Hut. These essential roof works would enable internal renovations to progress, including upgraded insulation, new electrics, plumbing, toilets, doors, and windows. Until the roof is replaced, and asbestos is safely removed, the hut remains unusable. 

The works will enhance the safety of the building and allow the overall transformation of the scout hut, making it a more inclusive and sustainable hub for the benefit of all involved. The improved building will better cater to the diverse needs of groups associated with the movement, combined with a change to the lease which now allows the building to be used by local community groups. 

The LCIF is made up of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions – payments made by developers as a result of development taking place in the borough. The LCIF can be used for a range of local community projects. 

Surrey Heath Portfolio Holder for Homes, Planning & Enforcement, Cllr Alan Ashbery said: “We know that there is a difficult financial environment at the moment for both the council and local community groups. The Local Community Improvement Fund is an excellent source of funding which the council is able to support to give community projects a boost.”    

The LCIF is open for submissions twice a year, with applications made online.  For more information visit the Local Community Improvement Fund page    

The bidding for LCIF funds for projects is designed for non-Parished areas in the borough only. Parish Councils can be approached directly for support in relation to project funds, since they receive a proportion of Community Infrastructure Levy monies from building developments in their Parishes.  

Ward councillors can also make bids to the LCIF.   

Read more about the Local Community Improvement Fund bids item at the Executive meeting of 18 March 2025