Tougher sanctions proposed for local environmental crimes

fly tip of various items including wood, windows and bins

Approval is being sought at the council’s upcoming Executive meeting to increase Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) tariffs for environmental crime offences.  

If agreed, these notices will provide a streamlined enforcement approach to address a range of issues including fly-tipping, littering, graffiti, and other environmental offences. 

Under the new scheme, increased FPN tariffs will offer a swift and effective deterrent to offences with fines structured to encourage everyone to respect and value the local environment.  

Surrey Heath Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Net Zero, Wellbeing and Environment, Cllr Morgan Rise said: “Increasing the level of Fixed Penalty Notices for fly-tipping and a raft of environmental offences will mark a significant step forward in our commitment to protect our environment and maintain a clean, safe, and attractive place to live work and visit.  

“Fixed Penalty Notices serve as a clear deterrent to those who fly tip and commit other environmental offences. At Surrey Heath we are committed to enforcing these FPNs where possible and ensuring that those who commit these offences are held accountable. 

“By addressing issues promptly and efficiently, we will be giving our residents and visitors greater confidence in the quality of our public spaces, ensuring that the borough remains an attractive, safe and pleasant place for all." 

The FPNs will be issued and administered by officers authorised by the council. The council will also provide materials to engage with the community in efforts to raise awareness about environmental crime and appropriate ways to dispose of waste.  

Access the Agenda and read more details on the FPN item, and other items to be discussed at the Executive Meeting of 21 May 2024   


Update - 22 May 2024

The Executive resolved that the proposed changes to the Fixed Penalty Notice charges for fly tipping, littering, householder waste duty of care, graffiti and fly posting based on the information detailed in the agenda report be adopted; and the payment period be extended to 28 days.