Surrey Heath Borough Council’s draft Council Strategy 2024-2028, “Delivering for you and a fairer society”, sets a clear direction and overall priorities for the organisation over the next 4 years , drawing on the wider aspirations and priorities of local residents and stakeholders, and has been developed for the new Council, following elections in May and June 2023.
With a focus on delivery for residents, the draft Annual Plan 2024/25 sets out the specific actions the Council will be taking over the next 12 months to make the Council Strategy a reality on the ground.
The five priorities identified in the new draft Council Strategy are:
- Protect our Environment
- Promote Healthier and More Inclusive Communities
- Support a Strong Economy and Create More Homes
- Campaign for Residents
- Deliver Effective Services with Sustainable Finances
Cllr Shaun Macdonald, Leader of Surrey Heath Borough Council, said: “I’m pleased to bring forward the new Council Strategy for review. It plays a crucial role in focusing our resources on what truly matters to those who live in Surrey Heath, and bring forward the changes residents support.
“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank those who work at Surrey Heath Borough Council in advance for their hard work in developing the strategy and delivering the annual plan going forward.”
Following the Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee meeting, the draft Strategy will be considered by the Executive on 13 February 2024, before coming to Full Council for approval on 21 February 2024.
You can watch these meetings on YouTube. Subscribe to Surrey Heath Borough Council’s YouTube Channel(external link) to receive notifications and keep up to date on the official council meetings.