£1.48M Funding Secured for Camberley Town Centre Regeneration

Camberley town centre

Camberley town centre has received a major boost with £1,480,300 awarded by HM Government through the Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLRF2), part of the One Public Estate Programme.  

This funding will support new housing development on the London Road site, located next to the A30 in the heart of Camberley. 

The grant will be used to demolish derelict buildings on the site and safely remove asbestos from the former Allders building, clearing the way for future development. 

What is the One Public Estate Programme? 

The One Public Estate Programme is a joint initiative between the Office of Government Property (Cabinet Office), the Local Government Association, and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). It offers practical support, technical expertise, and funding to help public sector partners deliver transformative, property-led projects. 

Learn more about this round of funding by visiting https://www.gov.uk/government/news/thousands-of-new-homes-to-be-built-as-government-unlocks-brownfield-sites

What is the Brownfield Land Release Fund? 

As part of the £1.8 billion investment package announced in the 2021 Spending Review, the Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLRF2) allocates up to £180 million to English councils over three years. The goal is to regenerate derelict and underused brownfield sites, unlocking new housing opportunities and revitalising local communities. 

Camberley presents exciting potential for investors. If you’re interested in learning more about development opportunities at the London Road site, please contact us at: economic.development@surreyheath.gov.uk