The Council is planning to replace its existing parking service vehicles with environmentally friendly electric versions, in line with its net zero strategy.
The Executive will be asked to approve the switch at the upcoming meeting on 21 May 2024.
Surrey Heath Portfolio Holder for Net Zero, Environment and Wellbeing Cllr Morgan Rise said: “With one parking services vehicle recently scrapped and the other nearing the end of its life, the move to replace these traditional fuel vehicles with electric vans is a positive one.
“It supports our drive to net zero by reducing carbon emissions, helps improve air quality, and also saves money in the longer term.
“This switch to a cleaner, more sustainable alternative to the existing parking vehicles follows the replacement of our meals at home vans with electric vehicles last year, which has proved a great success.
“Decarbonising our fleet of vehicles is a key priority of Surrey Heath’s Climate Change Action Plan, and will positively contribute to reducing the amount of carbon Surrey Heath produces every year.”
The existing vehicles are used to undertake inspections and patrols of council car parks. The proposal will see the new vans purchased and two dedicated electric chargers being installed in Main Square Car Park to allow for reliable charging.
Based on 2023 mileage travelled by the parking service vehicles, the switch to electric alternatives will achieve a carbon saving of around 3.2 tonnes per year.
Update - 22 May 2024
The Executive resolved that the Council’s parking vehicles be replaced with two electric vans.