Surrey Heath Borough Council is seeking agreement to consult on a Draft List of Local
Heritage Assets (known as a Local List).
Should this be approved, public consultation on the Local List will take place for a period of six weeks from 29 January until 4 March 2024.
The Local List comprises buildings, structures, features, and spaces that are locally significant and add to the cultural heritage and sense of place of the Borough.
Surrey Heath Portfolio Holder Sustainable Transport & Planning Cllr Alan Ashbery said:
“An updated Local List will help nurture a strong sense of community.
“This initiative demonstrates our commitment to protecting and preserving the rich cultural heritage and sense of place that are important to the local community.
“Preserving our local heritage is a collective responsibility, and we value the input of our community in this consultation in shaping the final list of heritage assets”.
Consultation: How to have your say
Once the consultation is underway, responses will be able to be submitted online by email to planning.consultation@surreyheath.gov.uk and/or post to Planning Policy, Surrey Heath Borough Council, Surrey Heath House, Knoll Road, Camberley GU15 3HD.
Visit the Local Heritage Assets webpage and the Consultations webpage for further details once available.
Surrey Heath Borough Council encourages active participation from the community to ensure that the final list accurately represents the shared values and sentiments associated with these heritage assets.