Surrey Heath Borough Council announced today that the Pre-Submission Local Plan (2019-2038), also known as Regulation 19 Stage, will be published from 7 August to 20 September 2024.
The new Local Plan, shaped by extensive local consultation and engagement (Regulation 18 Stage), aims to protect, and enhance the valuable environmental and community assets within Surrey Heath providing a framework for development in the borough up to 2038, ensuring that residents have the homes, jobs, and infrastructure they need.
The Pre-Submission Local Plan outlines a comprehensive and balanced vision for Surrey Heath, ensuring sustainable growth while addressing environmental constraints.
Integrating development needs with significant environmental protection is a key consideration with development focused within settlement areas to the west of the borough, optimising sustainability, and accessibility, and ensuring that development projects are environmentally conscious helping balance growth with ecological preservation.
In Camberley Town Centre, high-quality, high-density development on key sites is planned to provide new homes and support regeneration, enhancing the future vitality and viability of the area. Additionally, the Local Plan will incorporate sixteen strategic and locally important employment sites to bolster the local economy.
Cllr Alan Ashbery, Surrey Heath Portfolio Holder for Homes, Planning, and Enforcement said: “I’m delighted to support and commence the publication of the Pre-Submission Local Plan which promotes healthy, sustainable, and cohesive communities through good design and the delivery of robust infrastructure”.
“As well as climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, including facilitating active travel, it supports our vision to protect our environment and promote healthier and more inclusive communities”.
Representations on the Local Plan Pre-submission document can be submitted to the council during the six-week publication period from 7 August to 20 September 2024.
For more details and to access the consultation documents, please visit our Development Plan webpages from 7 August 2024.