Unauthorised encampment - Mytchett

Surrey Heath Borough Council is aware of an unauthorised encampment at Mytchett Canal Centre, on land owned by Surrey County Council (SCC).

Along with Surrey Police, we are supporting SCC to resolve this situation as soon as possible.

Further updates will be issued when available. 

Update: Friday 7 July, 5.15pm

The group have moved to the Mytchett Centre, on SHBC land, we are working with our partners to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

Update: Saturday 8 July, 9pm

SHBC officers have today visited the site of the unauthorised encampment at the Mytchett Centre, with Surrey Police colleagues.

There are 11 caravans and associated vehicles on site.   

We continue to work closely with partners to resolve this situation as soon as possible.

Once the site is vacated SHBC will ensure it is clean and safe for use. 

Update: Monday 10 July, 6.30pm

The group left the Mytchett Centre site this afternoon following eviction by the Council's enforcement agents 

We'd like to thank our partners who helped resolve this situation as quickly as possible.

SHBC will ensure the site is clean and safe for use as soon as possible.