Surrey Heath’s park tennis courts reopen after renovation

Surrey Heath’s new park tennis courts

Surrey Heath’s park tennis courts reopen after renovation

  • Nine park tennis courts located at Mytchett Recreation Ground, Frimley Green Recreation Ground and Watchetts Recreation Ground have officially reopened after renovations funded by UK Government and Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Tennis Foundation
  • This work is part of biggest ever investment in parks tennis facilities across Britain, with millions going towards transforming over 2000 courts

Park tennis courts in Surrey Heath have reopened this month after Surrey Heath Borough Council successfully secured a £185,000 renovation from the UK Government and LTA Tennis Foundation.

Through the Parks Tennis Project, the LTA is delivering the biggest ever investment in parks tennis facilities across Britain, which has been used to transform nine courts across the local area, providing a significant boost to sporting facilities.

The courts have undergone extensive work to ensure viability for years to come, including resurfacing, repainting, new fencing, nets and gate systems. This nationwide programme of investment is seeing thousands of existing park tennis courts in poor or unplayable condition brought back to life for the benefit of communities across the country, providing vital opportunities for children and adults to get active.

As well as weekly free park tennis sessions, with equipment provided, to follow, the new courts will host Local Tennis Leagues, giving people the opportunity to get involved in friendly and social local competitions.

All courts are available to book. New booking systems and gate access technology means it is now easier to get on court by booking in advance to guarantee availability. Small fees will ensure that the courts are maintained at their new high standard for years to come. 

Our amazing value annual tennis pass means for just £39 a year a household of up to five people can play tennis in the park for one year.  

Councillor John Skipper, Leisure and Culture Portfolio Holder, Surrey Heath Borough Council said:

"The tennis courts look amazing after the extensive improvements and I’m sure they will be enjoyed by many people. 

"Tennis is a fantastic sport and has many benefits for our fitness and wellbeing – if you haven’t tried playing yet or have not played for a long time perhaps now is the time to start on these fabulous courts.”

Julie Porter, Chief Operating Officer at the LTA, said:

“After months of hard work, we’re delighted to see park tennis courts across Surrey Heath officially back open to the public, and in better shape than ever.

“Public tennis courts are such vital facilities for getting active and we want as many people as possible, of all ages and abilities, to pick up a racket and enjoy playing tennis. Thanks to this investment the sport will be opened up to more players, for years to come.”

Stuart Andrew MP, Sports Minister, said:

"We are committed to levelling up access to sport which is so important for the nation’s physical and mental health.

"The Government and the LTA are working together to deliver thousands of refurbished courts across Great Britain, supported by £30 million of investment including in Surrey Heath. 

"These improved tennis facilities in Surrey Heath will provide the local community with fun opportunities to get active and potentially become the next Andy Murray or Emma Raducanu."