Surrey Heath Borough Council fly the flag for Armed Forces Day 2023

Surrey Heath Borough Council fly the flag for Armed Forces Day 2023

The Armed Forces Day flag was raised on 19 June outside Surrey Heath House ahead of the National Day of Commemoration on Saturday 24 June 2023.  

The flag is raised by local authorities across the country in the week leading up to Armed Forces Day. 

The Mayor of Surrey Heath, Cllr Pat Tedder said: “The annual Armed Forces flag raising event is an important day for the Council. It gives us the opportunity to recognise and celebrate our local military communities and the veterans who live in Surrey Heath. Surrey Heath has strong links with the military units based here and nearby and a long history of military presence.   

“We thank everyone who are serving, or have served, for your commitment to this country.” 

Cllr Leanne MacIntyre, Surrey Heath Borough Council’s Military Champion said: “It is a real honour to attend this event today. As veteran myself, I have spent time serving in Helmand Province in Afghanistan and seen at first hand the great sacrifices the armed forces make every day to keep us all safe.   

“The Council is committed to supporting our veterans in Surrey Heath. We will be sharing more information about how we can support you later in the summer, and we are in the process of creating a new military covenant for Surrey Heath which will set out our commitment to our armed forces communities.” 

Guests attending the ceremony included The Mayor of Surrey Heath, Cllr Pat Tedder, Cllr Leanne MacIntyre, SHBC’s Military Champion, Captain Richard Phillips, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS), Warrant Officer Class 1 Ian Lamming, Regimental Sergeant Mayor (RSM) RMAS, Marie Watts, Station Staff Officer, RMAS, Cllr David Whitcroft, SHBC Leader, PC Roxy Hudson, Surrey Heath Police and Damian Roberts, SHBC Chief Executive, and members of the Camberley Nepalese Gurkha Society. 

Also in attendance were Royal British Legion (RBL) County Standard Bearer Anne Cane, also representing Chobham RBL, and Colin Stevenson, Windlesham RBL Standard Bearer who also represented Camberley RBL. RAF Bomber Command were represented by Standard Bearer Rod Henkun.  

The Mayor’s Chaplain Reverend Dan Stork Banks officiated at the event.