Surrey Heath Borough Council - Driving improvements together with Surrey Police to control local car meets

SHBC’s Enforcement Officers are working in partnership with Surrey Police to control car meets taking place at Watchmoor Park and Riverside Way in Camberley.

The last known car meet was held on 22 January attracting over 800 vehicles.

Cllr Colin Dougan, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Health SHBC said;

“SHBC has a very low tolerance of car meets taking place in the borough, they cause disturbance to local residents through loud engine noise, music and shouting late at night. The meets also encourage racing on the local roads causing considerable risk to other road users.  Car meets have been on BBC News recently which highlight the injuries and accidents that can occur.

We will continue work with Surrey Police to monitor and dispel these meets and reprimand repeat offenders.”

Surrey Police Borough Commander for Surrey Heath, Inspector Matt Walton said;

“Surrey Heath Police have a Dispersal Order in place at Watchmoor Park which will be reviewed weekly and our Officers are on regular patrols at the location.  Repeat offenders are being identified via the automatic number plate reader now in place at the site which is directly linked to our national police data base to easily identify vehicles and their owners.  We are continuing to work with our partners and Watchmoor park to identify further ways to reduce access to the site for these car meets.

“The repeat offenders will be written to as a joint enterprise between SHBC, Surrey Police and the owners of Watchmoor Park/Riverside Way, setting out the action that can be taken against the drivers. Repeat offenders will be issued with a Community Protection Notice, contravention of which is a criminal offence and can attract a fixed penalty notice or a summons to court.

If you have any concerns about car meets please use our online reporting system (external link) or via a personal message to any of our social media pages.  Always call 999 in an emergency.” 

SHBC - Driving Improvement across the borough    

SHBC’s 'Driving Improvement' campaign focuses on improving key aspects of life in Surrey Heath. The Council is engaging with local people and working with partners to tackle anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping across the Borough, and working to protect and enhance the environment, making Surrey Heath an even better place to live.

  • Antisocial Behaviour (ASB): For more information on dealing with ASB visit our Environment section.
  • Protecting and enhancing the environment. Read more about our climate change and sustainability work on our website . 
  • Fly-tipping: You can report via the environmental offences webpage.