Surrey Heath 4 May voter ID data

Data released by Surrey Heath Borough Council shows the number of people who brought ID to the polling station for local elections on 4 May.  

The data shows that 99.9% of electors voting in Surrey Heath polling stations brought photo ID that met newly-introduced voter ID requirements.  

Collated figures across the area show 13,738 electors voted at our 39 polling stations on 4 May. 

At the end of polling day, 18 electors who tried to vote in a polling station were not given a ballot paper because they did not meet the new voter ID requirements – this represents 0.1%.  

The figures also show while 48 electors were initially turned away, 30 returned with acceptable ID and were able to vote. This means 62.5% of those initially turned away returned and were issued with a ballot paper. 

The number of electors refused a ballot paper due to not having acceptable ID represented 0.08% of the total turnout for the Surrey Heath local elections, including postal votes (which do not require photo ID).  

All elections and referendums will require photo ID from now on when voting in person at polling stations. A list of the accepted forms of ID is available on the Electoral Commission website (external link) 

Anyone without an accepted form of photo ID can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate for use in future elections. You can apply online, by post or in person – visit the GOV.UK website (external link), email sends e-mail) or call 01276 707165. 

Full results from the 4 May elections held in Surrey Heath are available at our elections results webpage