Supporting our community - Financial support awarded to key organisations

Decisions made at the most recent meeting of the Surrey Heath Borough Council Executive on 17 January 2023 included the award of grants to various organisations in the Borough.  

Revenue Grants 2023/24  

The Council’s Revenue Grants are open to organisations that provide vital services in the borough – this can be helping people in their daily lives, or contributing to the community through the arts, sport, or access to the natural environment. 

The Executive approved the award of the following grants from this year’s funding stream:  

  • Surrey Heath Citizens Advice – £80,000  
  • Basingstoke Canal Authority - £10,000  
  • Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership - £10,000  
  • Surrey Heath Age Concern - £10,000 
  • Camberley Central Job Club - £6,000 
  • The Hope Hub - £40,000 – in addition from 1 April 2023 the Hope Hub’s funding will be ring fenced for a three-year period 
  • Voluntary Support North Surrey - £20,000 
  • Voluntary Support North Surrey - Time to Talk - £10,000 

Cllr Sarah Jane Croke, Portfolio Holder for Housing, Safeguarding and Support said;   

“We are very pleased that despite increasing budget pressures, we have been able to support these organisations for the next year. Helping to improve the health and quality of life for all residents is an essential part of our Five-Year Strategy, and the recipients of these revenue grants all provide significant services and amenities to our local communities.”   

Find out more about the Revenue Grant Scheme on our website.

Council Contributions to Collectively Camberley Ltd - Outcome of Executive decision called-in and considered by the Performance & Finance Scrutiny Committee. 

The Business Improvement District (BID), Collectively Camberley, works closely with the Council and other partners to support the prosperity of the town centre and widen its appeal for customers. The BID is responsible for large town centre events such as the Collectively Camberley Car Show and the Collectively Camberley Christmas Light Switch On. 

Collectively Camberley has proposed additional events which they believe will assist in developing, improving and supporting the town centre by attracting different groups to support our retailers, hospitality and entertainment venues. The proposed events include a capital equipment cost. 


The capital grant of £5,000 to be awarded to Collectively Camberley Ltd. 

The decision to provide an extra grant up to £50,000 to Collectively Camberley for additional events will be subject to detailed business cases. Surrey Police and other relevant partner agencies in Camberley will also be consulted on the proposals before they are progressed. 

Following recommendation from the Performance and Finance Scrutiny funding for an event supporting the night time economy will not be progressed.  

Cllr Shaun Garrett, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Transformation said:   

“Supporting businesses is a key priority for the Council. The town centre is home to many of our independent and big brand retailers and is a key destination point in the borough and for neighbouring areas.    

“A busy event and activity programme encourages more people to visit Camberley and grow the economy in the area. As these events are free to attend, they also provide our residents with a great day out.   In addition, many of our residents also work within companies within the BID area. Which means we are in turn supporting these residents by supporting the BID. 

“The work of Collectively Camberley organising town centre events and initiatives to increase footfall is key to maintaining the town’s popularity. We have asked for businesses cases for each of the additional proposed events to ensure they provide a good return on our investment and are safe and accessible for our residents.” 

Read more about decisions made at this meeting on our website.

You can also watch a recording of the meeting on our YouTube channel (external link).

The next Executive meeting will take place on 14 February 2023 at 6pm, and will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.