New parks cafe contract awarded


Frimley Lodge Park Cafe


Lightwater County Park Cafe

Surrey Heath Borough Council has awarded JSS Catering Limited the contract for the cafes in Frimley Lodge and Lightwater Country Park.   

Chosen after a comprehensive tendering process, JSS Catering Ltd will take over the contract from previous supplier Churchill Catering from 1 February 2023.  

Both cafes will be offering a new and exciting menu, with all drinks sourced from fair trade suppliers. 

Surrey Heath Portfolio Holder for Places and Strategy, Cllr Rebecca Jennings-Evans said: “We are pleased to welcome JSS Catering Ltd as a partner in Surrey Heath, and look forward to a positive relationship with them, as they provide residents and visitors with excellent refreshment options at our premier parks.”  

Coralie Crick of JSS Catering Ltd said: “We are so excited to take on these fantastic cafes in such beautiful locations.  

“We are planning great menus with lots of fresh food, healthy options and delicious snacks and lots of activities to encourage even greater use of these spaces.   

“We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible in the near future.” 

Both cafes will close for a short period while a full refurbishment is carried out. Further information will be released once available.   

Find out more about Green Flag Award winning Frimley Lodge Park and Lightwater Country Park.