Licensed animal activities

Details of licensed animal activities in Surrey Heath including home boarding, horse riding establishments, performing animals, pet shops and breeders.

Pet shop establishments

Licensed pet shop establishments in Surrey Heath.

Licence number Premises name Premises address Licensee Email Phone Star rating
NVLIC/58478/11 Global Geckos Reptile Shop  18 Updown Hill, Windlesham GU20 6AF Will Thomas will@globalgeckos.comm (link sends email)   01276 423137 5
NVLIC/57801/09 Maidenhead Aquatic Lavershot Barns, London Rd, Windlesham GU20 6LL The Manager (link sends email)   01344 875031 5
NVLIC/78345/17 Pets At Home  Retail Park, 2C Waterers Way, Bagshot GU19 5DG The Manager - 0345 850 9959 5
NVLIC/78296/16 Pets Corner  6 Princess Way, Camberley GU15 3SP The Manager (link sends email)    01276 23619 5