Apply for a new premises licence

Information and guidance on applying for a premises licence.

After your application has been submitted

Where a complete application form has been submitted with the appropriate fees and other paperwork, including the display of appropriate notices in the papers and on the premises, and there are no representations within the 28 consecutive days deadline, the licence will be granted.

However, if an adverse representation from any interested party or responsible authority is received, the licensing section will decided whether the representation is relevant. If the licensing section find the representation relevant a hearing before the licensing sub-committee will be held. All relevant parties will be notified. A decision will be made by the licensing sub-committee and the details of that decision will be circulated to the parties concerned.

The applicant does have the right to appeal and this should be made to the South-east Magistrates' Court. Professional advice should be sought where it is uncertain what the best course of action should be.