Gambling premises licences

Information about gambling premises licences and how to apply.

We issue gambling premises licences for:

  • betting premises licences, including tracks
  • bingo
  • adult gaming centres
  • family entertainment centres

An application for a premises licence may only be made by persons who (this includes companies or partnerships):

  • have the right to occupy the premises
  • have an operating licence which allows she or he to carry out the proposed activity, or have applied for an operating licence (the premises licence may only be issued once the operating licence has been issued) from the Gambling Commission.

Before applying for a licence please read our Statement of Gambling Principles which describes how we deal with applications.


An updated Statement of Gambling Principles comes into into effect on 20 March 2025 and can be viewed below.


Advertising your application

Your application will have a 28 day consultation period. You need to place two adverts of the application during this period, at the premises and in the local press. You also need to send copies to:

Surrey Police

The Licensing Unit, Surrey Police, PO Box 101, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 9PE

Phone: 01483 639473

Gambling Commission

Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B2 4BP

Phone: 0121 230 6666

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service

SFRS Business Support, Croydon Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 0EJ

Phone: 01483 517600

Planning Authority

Surrey Heath Borough Council, Surrey Heath House, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3HD

Phone: 01276 707100

Environmental Health

Surrey Heath Borough Council, Surrey Heath House, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3HD

Phone: 01276 707100

Child Protection Authority

County Child Employment & Strategy Manager, Quadrant Court, 35 Guildford Road, Woking, Surrey, GU22 7QQ

Phone: 0300 123 1630

HM Revenue and Customs

National Registration Unit, Portcullis House 21 Indian Street, Glasgow, G2 4PZ

Phone: 0141 555 3466/3384

We consider representations received during this period from responsible authorities or interested parties. This includes anyone who:

  • lives close to the premises and could be affected by the gambling
  • has business interests that might be affected by the gambling
  • represents someone from the above bullet points

Tacit consent

Tacit consent does not apply. We will aim to respond to your application within 10 working days. If you have not heard from us within this period, please get in contact. We must process your application before the licence can be granted.


Premises Type New Application Variation Transfer
Regional Casino £15,000 £7,500 £6,500
Large Casino £10,000 £5,000 £2,150
Small Casino £8,000 £4,000 £1,800
Bingo Club £3,500 £1,750 £1,200
Adult Gaming Centre £2,000 £1,000 £1,200
Betting (Track) £2,500 £1,250 £950
Family Entertainment Centre £2,000 £1,000 £950
Betting (Other) £3,000 £1,500 £1,200
  • fee to transfer or reinstate a licence Betting (track) and Family Entertainment Centre: £950
  • fee to transfer or reinstate a licence – Bingo, Betting (other), Adult Gaming Centre: £1200
  • copy of licence: £25
  • notification of change: £50


To apply for a gambling premises licence, please complete our gambling premises licence application form:

Please note, operating and personal licences are issued by the Gambling Commission. 

Contact the Licensing team