Low cost ways to be active

A guide to low cost ways to keep active in Surrey Heath.

Activities for children

Places Leisure Camberley

All the below activities take place at Places Leisure Camberley. For more information and to book, please visit the Places Leisure website.

Places Leisure Camberley website (external link)

Soft Play 

These session are aimed at children up to 12 years old.


  • Sunday to Friday, sessions between 9am and 6:30pm 
  • Saturday, sessions between 9am and 4:30pm


Sessions are one hours and 15 minutes long.

  • under one years: £1
  • one to three years: £4.90
  • ages four and over: £6
  • spectators: free

Place: Places Leisure Camberley, Grand Avenue, Camberley GU15 3QH

For more information or to book, please visit the Places Leisure website.

Active play and bounce 

These sessions are aimed at children under five. Parent or guardian must attend with the children.


  • Monday, 9:15am until 10:45am, 10:45am until 12:15pm
  • Thursday, 9:15am until 10:45am, 10:45am until 12:15pm

Cost: £6 per child. Sessions are one hour and 30 minutes long.

Place: Places Leisure Camberley, Grand Avenue, Camberley GU15 3QH

For more information or to book, please visit the Places Leisure website.