Contact your housing association
Telephone: 0800 432 0077
Schemes available:
- shared ownership homes
- two bedroom houses for rent
- three bedroom homes
- nominations through Surrey Heath Borough Council
Find out more at the A2dominion website (external link)
Accent Housing
Telephone: 0345 678 0555
Address: Charlestown House, Acorn Park Industrial Estate, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD17 7SW
Schemes available:
- single person, family, special needs, temporary accommodation and independent living schemes for people over 55 years of age
- shared ownership homes
- nominations through the Surrey Heath Borough Council and Accent South Joint Housing Register
Find out more at the Accent Housing website (external link)
Anchor Hanover Group
Telephone: 0800 731 2020
Schemes available:
- rented homes for people over 60 years of age
- 50% nominations through Surrey Heath Borough Council and 50% via Hanover's waiting list
Find out more at Anchor Hanover Group (external link)
Aster Group
Telephone: 0333 400 8222
Schemes available:
- a mixture of family homes for rent
- nominations through Surrey Heath Borough Council's Housing Register
Find out more at the Aster Group Website (external link)
Clarion Housing Group
Telephone: 0300 500 8000
Address: 6 More London Place, Tooley Street, London, SE1 2DA
Schemes available:
- a mixture of family homes for rent
- 100% of nominations through Surrey Heath Borough Council's Housing Register
Find out more at the Clarion Housing Group website (external link)
London & Quadrant Housing Trust
Telephone: 020 8225 3500
Address: Doncastle House Suites 1.5 & 1.6, Doncastle Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8PE
Schemes available:
- family homes for rent
- nominations through Surrey Heath Borough Council
Find out more at London & Quadrant Housing Trust website (external link)
Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing
Telephone: 0300 456 2929
Address: Premier House, 52 London Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 3RP
Schemes available:
- a mixture of family homes for rent
- 100% of nominations through Surrey Heath Borough Council
Find out more at the Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing website (external link)
Mount Green Housing Association
Telephone: 01372 379555
Address: 26 Bridge Street, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8BZ
Schemes available:
- general needs accommodation for families, couples and singles
- independent living accommodation
- shared ownership schemes
- self-contained accommodation
- nominations through Surrey Heath Borough Council
Find out more at the Mount Green Housing Association website (external link)
Transform Housing & Support
Telephone: 01372 387100
Address: 1st Floor, Bradmere House, Brook Way (off Kingston Road), Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7NA
Schemes available:
- 1 bed move on flats
- accommodation for 3 people with mental health problems in partnership with Move to Independence
Find out more at the Transform Housing & Support website (external link)
Vivid Homes
Telephone: 0800 652 0898
Address: 56 Kingsclere Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XG
Schemes available:
- shared ownership homes
- single person and family homes for rent
- nominations through Surrey Heath Borough Council
Find out more at the Vivid Homes website (external link)