It is good practice to use a book for recording any incident involving injuries/illness. It is important that information about each separate incident is recorded on a separate page, so that the previous record cannot be seen by others.
The following information should be recorded:
- The date, time and place of the incident
- The name and job of the injured /ill person
- What happened to the casualty immediately afterwards, for example went home, went back to work, went to hospital etc.
- The name and signature of the person dealing with the incident
An HSE Accident Book will allow you to comply with legal requirements to record accidents at work. This will help you to overcome any confusion about the requirements of both keeping personal information in confidence and enabling information to be disclosed for preventative purposes.
Accident Books (external link) (BI510) ISBN: 0717626032, can be purchased at a number of locations including the HSE website.
It contains guidance on:
- The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 and;
- The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981
Alternatively, you can create and implement your own system for the reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences. However, you must ensure that you read all of the guidance available on the HSE website (external link) to include all the necessary and relevant information.