Register to vote

Find out about registering to vote, how to register and the electoral register.

Electoral register

The electoral register shows the names and addresses of everyone who is registered to vote. It is only used as allowed by the law. This includes it being supplied to political parties and election candidates.

We use this register for elections to make sure only eligible people can vote. This register can also be used to:

  • detect crime such as fraud
  • call people for jury service
  • check credit applications

Open register

The open register can be bought by any person, company or organisation and is not used for elections. Names and addresses are included in the open register unless you ask for them to be removed.

Your voting rights do not change if you chose to remove your details from the open register. 

To check your details on the open register or to ask for them to be removed please email (link sends an email)

You can purchase a copy of this register by emailing (link sends an email).