Please read these guidance notes carefully prior to submitting your application.
CIL and how is it allocated
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows the Council to raise funds from some forms of new development to help fund the infrastructure needed to mitigate the impacts of new development. CIL funds are used for either local infrastructure or infrastructure of wider strategic benefit to the borough. The Council has been collecting CIL since 1st December 2014.
An initial 5% of CIL funds collected is retained by the council for administration purposes and 15% of the funds are allocated to parishes and wards for infrastructure projects which are required in the communities where development took place. (25% is allocated to parishes with an adopted Neighbourhood Plan).
The funds for parished areas are paid to parish councils and bids can be made to them. For bids for funding in the non-parished areas priority will be given to funding projects in those non-parished experiencing development but with any unspent funding then being opened up to the other non-parished wards and to schemes where SHBC is only a part funder.
Strategic Priority Programme
The remaining CIL funds are allocated towards strategic borough-wide infrastructure, such as SANGs or highway schemes to support and enable growth. The strategic CIL funds are allocated through the Strategic Priority Programme (SPP). The SPP sets out the priority projects the council will fund through strategic CIL and identifies the amount of funding agreed via the Strategic CIL Working Group.
The Project Application form must be completed for each project that an infrastructure provider wishes to be considered for inclusion in the SPP.
What is not eligible for CIL funding:
- Projects that have commenced prior to an application being submitted
- Ongoing revenue costs for a project
- Annual maintenance or repair
- Projects promoting a political party
- Projects that conflict with existing council policies
- VAT that you can recover
Payment of CIL funds if awarded
Successful projects must be able to commence within the twelve months following the award and acceptance of the terms and conditions. Where relevant, the CIL funding will be conditional upon the applicant obtaining any necessary building regulations and/or planning permission and any other consents or permissions as may be required.
Payment will be made after completion of the project and submission of verifiable invoices. In some cases the Borough Council make require checks to show the project has been satisfactorily completed. The original invoices/receipts need to be submitted to the council as proof of expenditure. You must have a bank account in the name of your organisation into which the council will pay the funding.
The CIL funding is a one-off payment and will not result in any future revenue commitment by the council. Any maintenance responsibility, revenue liability or ongoing future funding related to the application lies with the Applicant.
The assessment process is competitive and not all applications will be funded. There is no right of appeal against the decision.
The applicant will need to agree to publicise the support of Surrey Heath Borough Council and the council reserves the right to use images of the project resulting from the award of the CIL funding as part of any publicity material that it may wish.
Completing the application form
To bid for funding, you will need to fill out the on-line application form and submit relevant supporting material, as appropriate – this should be emailed separately (there is no file upload facility when completing the form). This should include a letter of support from your Ward Councillor(s). Please ensure the information you provide is correct and complete to the best of your knowledge.
Once you have submitted your application form, please send through any supporting evidence, via email, to (link sends email). Please ensure you include the Project Title and the date you submitted your application.
Should you require the application form in a different format (for example. PDF or Word), please email us with your request. You can also contact us to discuss a potential project or for further guidance. Email (link sends email).
Annex 1
Surrey Heath Borough Council Community Infrastructure Levy: Regulation 123 List The following list of infrastructure projects may be funded or part funded through the Community Infrastructure Levy (unless otherwise stated).
- Shared Suitable Accessible Natural Greenspace (SANG) – Shared SANG includes SANG provided for development which cannot secure its own SANG solution. (See Additional Information 1)
- Open Space (with the exception of Shared or On-Site SANG) which is not directly related to a development. (See Additional Information 2)
- Sustainable Local Transport Projects and Pedestrian Safety Improvements which are not directly related to a development. (See Additional Information 2)
- Play Areas & Equipped Playing Space which are not directly related to a development. (See Additional Information 2)
- Indoor Sports & Leisure Facilities which are not directly related to a development. (See Additional Information 2)
- Community Facilities not directly related to a development. (See Additional Information 2)
- Sustainable Strategic Transport Projects. (See Additional Information 2)
- Climate change projects (See Additional Information 2)
- Digital Infrastructure Projects (See Additional Information 2)
Additional Information
- Development sites which cannot provide their own SANG solution will contribute to shared SANG solutions by way of a CIL payment. Development which is required to provide its own bespoke SANG solution will continue to be secured by S106 obligations in line with CIL Regulations 122 & 123. Nothing in this footnote overrides the Borough Council’s obligations as the competent authority for the purposes of its duties under the Conservation of Habitats & Species Regulations (2017) as amended.
- Provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance to reduce the incremental impact of development on off-site infrastructure which is not provided or required as avoidance/mitigation on or near individual development sites. This Regulation 123 List excludes projects for infrastructure which are directly related to an individual site i.e. on or near site infrastructure to avoid/mitigate impact arising from that site. The Borough Council may apply CIL, continue to seek S106 obligations, or a mix of S106 and CIL, toward on or near site infrastructure in line with the Infrastructure Delivery SPD and in accordance with Regulations 122 and 123 of the Community infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).
Note: To enable delivery of new residential units that are not CIL liable but nonetheless include a net increase in residential units the Council will require such development to contribute toward the cost of the ongoing management and maintenance of SANG through a Unilateral Undertaking. This is to meet the requirements of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, (or as subsequently amended). The Council will levy a contribution of £112.50 per square metre for the residential floorspace created. This is the management and maintenance cost of SANG.
The types of development affected include: Change of use to Residential use through the Prior Approval process under the General Permitted Development Order 2015 (or as subsequently amended); Self / custom build homes; Affordable Housing and Starter Homes as defined in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF); Applications where less than 100sqm residential floor space is created; Conversions to residential use from other use classes (as set out in the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order), through planning permission, where not CIL liable; Conversions to a C2 use where the development may be considered to give rise to likely significant effect to the SPA.
For residential conversions within use class C3 (Residential) and C4 (Houses of Multiple Occupation), where no additional floorspace is created but the overall number of units increases, avoidance measures must also be provided through the allocation of SANG, with contributions charged as set out in paragraphs 6.7-6.10 of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance Measures Supplementary Planning Document (2019).
The development types above may not form an exhaustive list of residential developments providing net additional units that are not CIL liable. The Council will seek appropriate SANGs contributions for any other residential development types that are not CIL liable but are required to provide avoidance measures for their impact on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area.