Community Fund Grant Scheme

Information about the Community Fund Grant Scheme, which offers funding to local non-profit organisations that provide support to the local community.

About the fund

The Council has its own ‘Community Fund’ from which it provides grants of up to £15,000 to assist local not for profit organisations with the delivery of community projects.

Grants are available for amounts up to a maximum £15,000. The Council will pay up to 75% of a project that does not exceed £2,000 in total and will pay up to 50% of project costs for projects which cost more than £2,001.

Grants will be considered for purchase of equipment or resources; one-off events; building projects; start-up costs; running costs for existing projects where organisations can demonstrate that there is a need for transitional or bridging funding due to exceptional circumstances (such as increased demand related to supporting vulnerable or marginalised community groups; increased organisational costs related to the cost-of- living crisis etc). 

The application will need to show significant benefit to substantial numbers of Surrey Heath residents.

In the case of an application for running costs for existing projects, a clear business case will need to be provided with the application which outlines the specific need for funding and plans for ongoing sustainability of the project or organisation.

Applications will not be considered for general running costs (except in the exceptional circumstances outlined above); salaries, wages, or honoraria; endowments; loan payments; activities promoting specific religious or political beliefs.

Applications will not be considered from Statutory Authorities or schools/colleges; trading/profit making companies; individuals or funds set up to benefit an individual.