Windle Valley Centre

Our Windle Valley Centre in Bagshot offers our older residents the chance to get involved in a range of activities. The Centre also has a number of spaces available for hire.

Saturday Club

Held each Saturday from 2pm to 5pm, drop in for tea and cakes.  

Take part in a range of dementia friendly activities including: 

  • music and movement 
  • creative arts and cookery 
  • bowls, boccia and magnetic darts 
  • reminiscence activities 
  • traditional board and card games 

Have a break 

If you are a carer attending with your loved one you can join in the activities, or simply take a break and relax with a cup of tea. 

Outings and themed events 

We run a number of outings to locations nearby and further afield. Join us for a trip to the seaside, local garden centre, summer fetes and themed celebrations throughout the year. 

Transport provided 

Transport to and from the Saturday Club can be arranged via the community transport service for a small charge. To register, please complete community transport registration form on the Runnymede Borough Council website (external link) You can then organise your transport by emailing or call 01276 707655. 

Join in 

To attend the Saturday Club just drop in between 2pm and 5pm, or contact us on 01276 707659. There is a small weekly charge of £6.50 to attend. No charge for carers.