You could also take part in the RSPB’s annual Big Garden Birdwatch, or Butterfly Conservation’s yearly Big Butterfly Count.

Lightwater Country Park
Our Greenspace team depend on volunteers to help with conservation tasks in our parks and open spaces, including Lightwater Country Park. Tasks include removing invasive plant species, wildlife spotting and litter picking.

Surrey Heath Tree Wardens
Surrey Heath Tree Wardens are a local charity who undertake a tremendous amount of work to help care for our local trees and woodland. If you would like to find out more about their work, and get involved, visit the Surrey Heath Tree Wardens Facebook page.

Keep Britain Tidy
Litter can be a danger to local wildlife, as well as making the area look untidy. Community groups often run organised litter picks to help clean up the local area – why not do a good deed and join one near where you live? Keep Britain Tidy’s Litter Heroes scheme has details of how to set up your own ‘clean up’ event.

Surrey Wildlife Trust
Surrey Wildlife Trust work with members and volunteers, to protect wildlife across Surrey, both on their nature reserves and through their work with others. They rely on volunteers to help with projects in the local area- more details are on the Surrey Wildlife Trust website.

Amazing Grace
Local charity Amazing Grace ask volunteers to help with an annual hedgehog survey in the Borough as part of their conservation work.

BioBlitz is a national survey event where people of all ages and walks of life come together to survey a natural space; seeking, identifying and recording as many species as possible over 24 hours. By logging your findings, these will help to monitor the health of our environment.