Energy efficiency

Being energy-efficient is the opposite of wasting energy. It means using less energy through switching off items when you’re not using them, or using modern energy saving appliances at home.

A really good example of a device which can waste energy, or be really energy efficient, is the lightbulb.

We have to be very careful touching lightbulbs because they get hot when they have been turned on. That’s because the average lightbulb uses up to 90% of its energy producing heat rather than light! Modern, energy-saving LED light bulbs use far less energy to create the same amount of light than a normal lightbulb with 90% of the energy being used for light rather than heat.

And it’s not just lightbulbs that are energy-efficient. Most modern appliances, from TVs to washing machines are now energy efficient. Replacing old, inefficient appliances with energy-efficient ones can save your family a lot of money – and help the planet!


Become an energy detective and find out what uses energy in your own home.

Access the worksheet on the Energy Sparks website

Now you’ve tracked down the culprits - what appliances are less energy efficient than they could be? Have a look around your kitchen. How many appliances can you see that could be more energy efficient? Many have a sticker showing their energy efficiency rating - check to see how they rate.

Hints: appliances can include fridges, kettles, washing machine, coffee machines, light bulbs.

What can you do to help?

  • Switch lightbulbs in your home to energy efficient versions. Although they are more expensive to buy they last much longer so work out cheaper in the long run.
  • Switch off lights or electrical items when not in use.
  • Ask your grown up if you can hang washing out to dry when the weather’s fine, rather than using a tumble dryer.
  • Put on a jumper rather than turning the heating up