Stay safe this Christmas
Stay safe this Christmas
Eating out
Check a restaurant's food hygiene rating at or look for the green and black sticker in the front window. If you can’t see one, just ask.
The ratings are determined by the Council’s food safety officers and run from 0 to 5 in terms of food hygiene and safety, with a 3 being 'satisfactory', 4 'good' and 5 'very good'. In Surrey Heath 98% of food businesses are rated 3 or better.
Find out more about food safety
Getting a taxi
Always use a licensed vehicle. Vehicles and drivers go through thorough safety and roadworthiness checks by the Council.
Hackney Carriage vehicles can pick up unarranged fares from the street and will have a taxi roof sign and a yellow licence plate on the rear of the vehicle.
Private hire vehicles have to be pre-booked and are not permitted to pick up from the street. They have a white licence plate on the rear of the vehicle.