Direct debit
You can set up a direct debit using your Business Rates Options system or by phone 01276 707100. Please have your bank account details to hand of the account to be used to pay.
You will be sent a notification once a year of the amounts to be taken from your account.
If your bank account needs more than one authorised signatory to approve any new transaction, you will need to complete a direct debit form and return it to us. Please email (links sends email) to request a paper direct debit form is sent to you.
Credit and debit cards
Make a payment with your credit or debit card online.
Telephone our 24 hour automated payment line on 03300 884693 to pay using your Visa, Master Card, Maestro, Solo or Delta cards.
Please note we do not accept American Express, Diners card or JCB cards.
Post a cheque or postal order
Write your business rates account number on the reverse of your cheque or postal order and send it with the appropriate Bank Giro Credit Slip enclosed with your bill.
Cheques and postal order should be crossed and made payable to Surrey Heath Borough Council. Please be aware it is Council policy not to accept post-dated cheques.
Through your bank
Your bank will ask for our bank details which are:
- Sort code: 62-22-31
- Account number: 00000000
You must also tell the bank:
- your business rates account number which will be shown on your bill
- that payments are made to National Westminster Bank PLC for the credit of Surrey Heath Borough Council
At a Post Office
To pay fee-free at any Post Office you can use a freepay card. Contact the Council on 01276 707100 and we will arrange to send you a card and full instructions.
International payments:
NatWest, Camberley, Surrey
Account Number: 46079211
Sort code: 600420
IBAN: GB52 NWBK 6004 2046 0792 11
At the Council offices
There is a payment kiosk available at the Surrey Heath Borough Council offices. This gives customers the ability to make automated payments for any Council bill. It takes cash, credit card or debit card payments and will post the payment directly to the customer's account providing a simple secure method of bill remittance.
When to pay business rates
Your business rates bill will explain when you need to make your payments. Payment will generally be by monthly instalments due on or by the second of the month.
When the payment will show on your account
Direct debit payments will be credited to your business rates account the next working day.
For all other payments you must allow extra time for the payment to reach us. Payments made through a bank or Post Office can take up to six working days to be received by the Council. Please bear this in mind or you could receive a reminder.
Sign up to e-billing
To receive your business rates bills by email, please register by completing the online register for business rates e-billing form.
Register for e-billing
Please note you will need details from your current business rates bill to complete the form.