Policies and procedures

Polices and procedures.

Statement of Licensing Policy

This licensing policy has been determined by the Council for the five year period commencing 7 April 2021 with a view to promoting the four licensing objectives set out in section 4(2) of the Licensing Act, 2003.

These objectives are:

  1. the prevention of crime and disorder;
  2. public safety;
  3. the prevention of public nuisance; and
  4. The protection of children from harm.

In carrying out our licensing functions we will have regard to:

  • This statement of licensing policy published under section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003 and
  • Home Office Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 (as revised April 2018)

The Council as licensing authority when determining applications that have been the subject of representations will only refuse the grant of a licence or impose conditions if this is necessary to achieve or promote the licensing objectives.

During the five year period the policy will be kept under review and the Council will if necessary, after appropriate consultations, make such revisions to it as may be considered appropriate. Any amendments will be incorporated in the licensing statement after each review. The statement of licensing policy will be reviewed and published with amendments, if any, at least once every five years.

Removal of Cumulative Impact Assesment from Licensing Policy

At the Licensing Committee on 7 February 2024, the decision was made to  publish a statement  that  having consulted with statutory  consultees & wider, that the Council as Licensing Authority  is no longer of the opinion that there is a need for  a Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA)  in respect of Camberley Town Centre and the CIA will therefore lapse on 6 April 2024.

The section relating to the CIA  in the Council's current Statement of Licensing Policy, will no longer apply and will be removed  at the next review of the policy. The Statement of Licensing Policy  sets out how applications are determined in respect of the Licensing Act 2023 and  all new and variation applications will continue to be determined on their merits and must demonstrate that the sale of alcohol will not adversely impact the licensing objectives should the application be granted. The Licensing Team will continue to monitor compliance with licence conditions and the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) enforced by the Police controlling drinking in the Town Centre remains in place.

View the full Statement of Licensing Policy 2021 to 2026 below:

More information can be found in the gambling section of the website.