Corporate peer challenge

Peer challenges are coordinated by the Local Government Association (LGA). They are an opportunity for reflection and learning to support councils.

Surrey Heath Borough Council invited the Local Government Association (LGA) to carry out an independent corporate peer challenge from 11 to 13 July 2023.  

The purpose of this exercise is to help councils identify areas for improvement, or endorse areas they are already working on. The challenge is carried out by experienced senior officers and councillors from other authorities across the country, as well as colleagues from the LGA. The team of six peers were on-site for three days and spoke to more than 75 people including external partners, councillors and staff, as well as reviewing lots of documentation.

The Council has received an in-depth report from the LGA with the findings of the challenge, together with nine recommendations.  Actions are being taken in response to the recommendations, and a full action plan was agreed by Executive in November 2023.

The peers recognised many successes achieved so far, as well as the positive culture, leadership and commitment of staff.  The peer team also praised the open and trusting relationship between members and officers, and strong partnership working. The Council is grateful to the peers for their positive and honest feedback and recommendations.  The Council is committed to continuous improvement and the recommendations from the challenge will further support this work. 

View the full reports and action plan below


In April 2024 members of the Peer Team visited Surrey Heath to discuss progress already made on delivering the recommendations.  The Council received a further report from the LGA with their findings.