Surrey Heath Borough Council is dedicated to open government. The Council holds and manages a large variety of information, and is committed to making sure that this information is managed properly and is accessible to everyone who has a right under the different pieces of legislation to see it.
There are a number of pieces of legislation that gives people the right to ask for information which is not already available on our website. These are collectively called information rights.
- The Freedom of Information Act 2000 aims to promote greater openness and deals with information that the Council holds.
- Environmental Information Regulations provides access to information about the environment which is not covered under the Freedom of Information but it is handled in a similar way to the Freedom of Information Act.
- The Data Protection Act deals with the management and provision of personal information
- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA). RIPA regulates the way in which investigations are carried out by public bodies. View the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000: Policy and procedure.
- Privacy notices explains how information is processed and handled on the Website
- Disclaimer concerns copyright and ownership of photos and data
- Information request fees and charges