Public speaking at Executive and committee meetings

Find out how public speaking works at Executive and committee meetings.

The Council has a public speaking scheme which allows members of the public to ask questions relevant to a committee meeting’s agenda.

The scheme applies to all meetings of the Executive and the standing committees of the Council, except the Planning Applications Committee, Employment Committee and Full Council where separate procedures apply.

It does not apply to any sub committees or partnership meetings. Public speaking is permitted at Licensing Sub Committee but follows different rules. A Licensing Officer will contact any interested parties who have submitted a representation prior to a hearing, in respect of whether they wish to make their representation in person.

Frequently asked questions

How does the public speaking process run at the Executive and committee meeting?

‘Public Question Time’, will normally be the first substantive item on a committee’s agenda and will precede the consideration of the substantial items on the agenda.

All answers to the submitted questions will be published as part of an agenda supplement by 2pm on the day of the meeting.

The submitter of the question will be invited to read out the question to the meeting, and the pre-published answer will be read out by the Chair. The questioner will then be entitled to reply orally with a short supplementary question on the same subject matter. The Chair may decide to answer the question, orally on behalf of the committee, or defer for a written response on behalf of the committee within seven days.

Questions and responses will not be matters for debate.

Questions will be heard in the order received. Where an individual submits more than one question for a meeting, their first question, as submitted, will be prioritised and, with any further questions heard after any questions received from other members of the public.

There is a maximum of 30 minutes per meeting dedicated to public questions. Any questions that have not been heard once the 30 minutes have passed will receive a written response from the relevant member, usually the Chair of the Committee.

What agenda items are eligible for public questions?

Any substantial item on the agenda will be eligible for public speaking.

Non-substantial agenda items include: apologies for absence, minutes of the last meeting, Declarations of Interest and the Committee Work Programme.

Is there any other criteria that questions must meet?

Questions must:

  • be relevant to a substantial item on the agenda
  • must be relevant to some matter over which the Council has powers or duties, or which affects the borough or part of it, or its residents.
  • not relate to personal, exempt or confidential matters.
  • must be limited to 125 words. Any words exceeding this limit will not be published or considered as part of the question.

Questions that contain criticism directed at a named officer will be rejected. In such cases, the questioner will be given an opportunity to submit a revised question.

The Head of Legal and Democratic Services, may also in consultation with the Monitoring Officer, reject or defer a question received for a meeting in the pre-election period.

How do I submit my question to the Executive or committee and what are the timescales?

You will need to submit your question at least three clear working days before the meeting (for example, if the meeting is on a Wednesday, the question must be received by 5pm on the preceding Thursday).

You will need to submit your question to the Democratic Services Team by e-mail (link sends email). 

Please accompany your email with an indication as to whether you wish to read your question aloud or you would prefer the Chair to do this for you.

The agenda for committee meetings and meetings of the Executive are published at least five clear working days before the relevant meeting. Usually this is seven calendar days before the meeting. Agendas can be view on the meetings calendar webpage.

You may submit a question via letter, however, it mist be received by 5pm three clear working days before the meeting. Consideration must be given to whether the request will be received in sufficient time.

In exceptional circumstances, with the agreement of the Chair, an urgent question may be asked relating to a matter included on an agenda. Any urgent questions must be received by the Democratic Services Team by email an hour before the meeting commences. Such questions will be permitted where the member of the public provides a suitable explanation, as determined by the Chair and Lead Officer for the Executive or Committee, in respect of why the deadline for questions could not be met on that occasion.

Who may ask questions of the Executive or a committee?

  • member of the public
  • any formally constituted public groups, or bodies previously registered with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services

How can I register my organisation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services?

To pre-register a public group or body, please email the Democratic Services team for an application form. 

Registration will require a copy of the organisation’s constitution and where appropriate a copy of the body’s audited accounts.

What are the logistics of attending the meeting to ask my question?

The Executive and the Council’s committees normally meet in the Council Chamber, Surrey Heath House, Knoll Road, Camberley, GU15 3HD.

There is disabled access and car parking is available on site, to the rear of the Council building, for evening meetings.

If you are to speak at the meeting you should arrive at the Council Chamber in good time for the start of the meeting. A Democratic Services Officer will be present at the meeting. You should register with them 20 to 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting.

Any member of the public may attend Committee and Executive meetings in person in order to observe proceedings. Meetings are also livestreamed and recorded on the Surrey Heath Borough Council YouTube channel (external link).

Am I able to ask my question and attend the meeting virtually?

Yes. Please let the Democratic Services Team know of this preference on submission of your question. Virtual attendance will be facilitated by Microsoft Teams.

What happens if I don’t want to attend to read out my question at the meeting?

The Chair will read out both your pre-submitted question and the answer. In this scenario, there won’t be any facility to allow you to submit a supplementary question.

More information

If you need further information, advice or you would like a copy of this leaflet in large print, please contact Democratic Services on 01276 707160 or e-mail (link sends email).