Council meetings and decisions

Everything you need to keep track of council meetings and decisions.

Council meetings 

Find the dates of all upcoming council and outside body meetings.

Calendar of meetings

Watch a Council meeting

All Council meetings are streams live on the Surrey Heath Borough Council YouTube page.

Watch a Council meeting (external website)


The Leader was elected by members at the Annual Council meeting on 17 May 2023 for a four year term of office. The Leader holds all the Executive powers and functions. The Leader has appointed a Deputy Leader and five other members to be portfolio holders and to form the Executive. The Leader has arranged for decisions relating to Executive functions to be taken collectively by the Executive. The decisions of the Executive are monitored by scrutiny committees which may require the Executive to reconsider any decision it has taken.


Find out about the Executive

Where the Executive intends to make a decision at a private meeting, 28 days prior notice of this intention will be given together with a statement of reasons as to why the decision will be made in private.

However certain decisions, such as the setting of the Council Tax and adopting major policy, must be taken at a meeting of the full Council.


The Planning Applications Committee makes decisions on planning applications. The Licensing Committee takes decisions on licensing policy and the Licensing Sub Committees hears applications relating to liquor licenses.

Find out about current committees

Voting at committee meetings

Decisions taken by the Council, a Committee or the Executive are taken by a majority vote. Members usually vote by a show of hands but if at least three councillors request a roll call vote, each vote will be recorded. In addition, if a councillor asks for his or her vote in respect to any decision taken to be recorded this will be noted.

Key decisions

The Council produces a schedule of key decisions to be made by the Council, Executive or officers on its behalf. This is to give people the opportunity to make their views known at the earliest possible stage.

Key decisions are those which are financially significant or which have a significant impact on their communitie

Use our search tool to find information regarding decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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The full terms of reference of the bodies set up by the Council is set out in the Council's Constitution. The Constitution details the Council's main working arrangements and is kept updated to reflect new working practices and changes in the law.

View the constitution